Online Exclusives

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Wet ‘n Wild

Welly World always induces in me an image of Disneyland for horse people, complete with a carnival (at times, three, four or ten ring circus) atmosphere. My annual pilgrimage this year put me in mind of a water park adventure, you know the kind I
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Fine Lines…And Not the Ones on My Face

The other day we happened upon one of the big eventing websites that had posted Leslie’s gold medal round from Athens as a feature on their daily news as a build up for this year’s games in Rio. I always find it thrilling to watch Leslie, or Stan
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Just Who is in Charge?

Well, as an American endurance chum put it, that was as useful as a bucket of warm spit. I don’t know a single sceptic who wouldn’t have been ecstatic to be proved wrong about the efficacy of the “strong new measures” put in place on February
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Today was busy again, is it ever anything else when you have horses? Selena and Anne Marie were up early and off to Rocking Horse Winter 2. It is spread over four days and today is the dressage and show jumping for Foxwood High in the Advanced divisi
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Long Days

It was a fun day at both ends of NA. They had great fun at the Florida Horse Park on schooling day. Woody did a dressage test, King Brian did cross country, Zephyr did cross country, Anne Marie did cross country and show jumping with Riley and Selena
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Billet Alignment

Does your saddle slide forward no matter what kind of girth or saddle pad you use? This is one of the most common problems my clients approach me with, and I know how frustrating this can be. I know there are a number of ‘anatomically correct’ gi
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Snowed In

Not a fun day for O’Hanlon Eventing North. The snow came back with a vengeance and I have been snowed in at the farm for some hours now. I worry about the roads for the ladies who work for me. I know there were stuck cars everywhere today. The hors
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Locked Out

Today is a working day and not our traditional day off. The horses have had two days off because of the extreme cold. When it warms up this afternoon they are going to have to get some work done! I am very happy to see the back of the cold snap. This
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Valentine’s Funday

Today it is -25 and due to rise to a balmy -17 overnight. Tomorrow looks a bit more civilized in it’s temperatures, but today is definitely a non-riding day for everyone. This is our second straight day of not being able to ride because it’s just
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Benny Wants to Play

We got brave and put the OTTBs out in the big paddock with ‘the gang’ tonight. Rummy jumped into the dressage ring and was eating while Benny cantered around trying to get excited. Rummy wasn’t having any of it…lol. It was cu