Online Exclusives

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Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Last year while I was working in West Palm, Florida, with some of our clients, I met Dr. Sheila Schils of EquiNew LLC, one of the pioneers of FES in horses. At the time, we had discussed perhaps working together in some way to develop a research proj
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The day before we leave

And now it’s the day before everyone leaves for Bromont, and I do mean everyone.  There is a mass exodus this year and people are going to be fairly scarce at Balsam Hall this week.  As a result, it’s time for Benny and Rummy to have a
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Saddle Fit and Customer Service

I have been reading a lot about customer service issues and suggestions in various online newsletters I subscribe to (especially my favourite – Profitguide), so I thought it seems to be a hot button topic right now and perhaps I should revisit as i
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Bromont is sneaking up on us

Bromont is sneaking up on us and we only have one gallop left before shipping, we are going to do it Saturday. Normally we would be galloping Friday and Tuesday but as we are shipping on the Tuesday, that is enough stress and the two one star horses
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The Desperation Games

I am not keen on the FEI’s three-to-a-team proposal for future Olympics, and the inevitable catering for a lower standard of riding that will come with it. But in potentially opening up the Games to many more countries, we could at least see an end
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Our lives are a runaway train

So here we are, going flat out for the summer and loving every minute of it.  This past week has been outrageous, with all the horses working 6-7 days a week.  Last Saturday Kate Sykes and Watson’s Whistler went to a dressage schooling show a
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Overdue Diligence

In a long career you can’t remember every news story you ever wrote. However, one from the early 1990s sticks in my mind because it involved a conversation with Jacques Chirac, and it’s not often that a humble equestrian journalist gets her call
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Bromont rocks!

Yesterday was yet another gallop day. The days go by relentlessly and Bromont draws every closer. Today is a ‘day 8’ which means they all get a day off. By the looks of Woody when we trotted him up this morning, he doesn’t need a day off. I spe
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The Ongoing Controversy – Treed or Treeless Saddles? Part IV

Okay I just had to share this with you as my final instalment on this topic because I am really thrilled that someone of Dr. Clayton’s reputation has substantiated what I have been preaching about treeless saddles for the last couple of years. Now
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Fatal Facts or Science Fiction

I already touched on this in my last blog but you cannot open any sort of equestrian publication at the moment without reading about the latest eventing fatality, be it either yet another theory as to why, or another teary eulogy. The trouble with a