Online Exclusives

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Conference Fatigue

Danger of forum fatigue: Getting experts to debate things making people feel accomplished when in reality nothing changes.
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More Sports Than Jumping Should Celebrate the GCL Settlement

What a relief that the FEI has settled out of court with the Global Champions League. On the face of it, the good news is mostly for the elite jumpers who can continue chasing the humongous Global tour prize-pots, and for the two parties now spared t
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Saddle Fit and Equestrian Aid

For all you equestrians – make your tax-deductible donations to the Equestrian Aid Foundation and make a difference in the lives of your fellow horsemen.
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Why I Am Still Uncomfortable About Celebrating the Ordinary

Please indulge me for a few paragraphs – there is a point to my recounting my amazing Christmas break in Russia. A concert pianist friend invited me to Maestro Valery Gergiev’s International Piano Festival at the famed Mariinsky theatres in St Pe
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Olympic Reform For Dummies

The FEI’s new Olympic format has been the subject of much debate and discussion recently, but what is all the fuss about? Does it really matter if there are three riders in a team or four? Surely dropping the eventing down a star level is a good th
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Saddles for Little People

While finding a saddle may be easy for some, the process of finding saddles may not be as easy for others. Find out more in this article.
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Shut it Down. Right Now.

If you want a glimmer of understanding about what officials are up against in UAE endurance, watch this interview during a FEI ride.