Online Exclusives


$86,000 Grand Prix – Caledon Cup Phase 3

We are back at Caledon Equestrian Park the $86,000 Grand Prix – Caledon Cup Phase 3. The weather is extremely hot and could play a role in the outcome of this class. There are 30 entries coming forward from the first two phases and all will com

$35,000 Caledon Cup – Phase 2

Welcome to the Caledon Equestrian Park and the Canadian Show Jumping Tournament. This walk will be an extra walk because this will be the first indoor walk since we began 10 years ago. The class tonight will be the $35,000 Caledon Cup – Phase 2

$25,000 Ram Equestrian Grand Prix

Welcome to Caledon Pan Am Equestrian Park and the Autumn Classic. Today we host the Ram Equestrian 1.40m Grand Prix and the prize money is $25,000. Welcome to Caledon Pan Am Equestrian Park and the Autumn Classic. Today we host the Ram Equestrian 1.
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Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

The UAE desert endurance season is chugging into gear. It is accompanied by the annual spike in FEI horse registrations, and questionable statistics.
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Cross Country Day Wrap Up

It was time to get on and head up to warm up. There were only a few in the warm up and things seemed to be a little out of xc order. Find out more here.

Ready to Rock!

Anne Marie had another short jump lesson with Bruce. They warmed up over the logs first, then did a vertical with placing poles on take off and landing.

Prepping at Chesterland

She practiced a wide natural oxer, six bending strides to the vertical, making sure to wrap around the oxer so that the next six strides were easy and even.