Online Exclusives

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What we can learn from FIFA

Yellow cards. I saw a lot of them over the past few days of watching World Cup Soccer (football to any of you out there not from the barbarian lands of NA), and you know what? They looked like they worked pretty well. The odd player kind of shoved hi
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Dressage Day

Last weekend we took a busload to a dressage show in Belleville at Misty Ayr Stables.  Selena was doing five tests on two horses and Anne Marie was doing two tests on one horse.  They won six out of seven of their tests… however…
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Take a Breath

This Aaturday went really well in Uden. This test was a real learning experience. I think Vitall and I now finally have our routine down pat and this was the first time he didn’t quit on me. The overall feeling felt great. I was able to ke
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Eyes on Rotterdam

Contrary to the accusation leveled at me last week that I write only negative things about dressage in Canada, let me tell you what I’ll be doing over the next 24 hours. I am watching the Rotterdam CHIO website with great anticipation and inter
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HUP HUP Holland

oday everything was a sea of orange. It was the first game for Holland in the world championships for soccer, aka football, the proper european name. Vitall and I decided to be festive and wear orange as well today. I went to the local pub with a few
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An Apology

Since I began writing a blog during the 2006 WEG, I have sometimes wondered if I would ever lose sense of propriety and step over a line. Now I know the answer and I’m not feeling so good on this Friday morning. I could just remove the incrimin
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Or should I say, DOA again? I shouldn’t complain about the never-ending source of material, but jeez Louise people! This is lunacy. The ‘who’s out’ teaser from last week refers to the five letters of resignation that DC Board
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It has been really warm here the past few days and through the weekend. It feels like I’m living somewhere tropical with temperatures between 24-27. Vitall was great all week, it felt like something just “clicked”. I really fel