Online Exclusives

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Enough already!

It’s as though the tragic death of Hickstead provoked some kind of domino effect last week. I’m very sorry to learn the sad news of several more losses: Beth Underhill’s Monopoly passed away just days after being inducted into the
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Winter time…I’m not ready yet!

Winter is around the corner…although it already feels like it’s here. Thankfully, it is cold sunny days, instead of dark rainy ones!! Nowadays, everyone is complaining in the mornings, including myself. All you hear in the stables is all of us go
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A Whirlwind of Activity

Things were a touch hectic at Balsam Hall while Selena and Anne Marie were blogging from the Pan Am Games and Training Camp in Florida.  Emma Rafuse and I were flying by the seat of our pants day by day.  Different ‘challenges to the daily ro
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Wrong ending

I’ve always held a fairly dim view of the Hollywood film plot formula that ensures popcorn- and Coke-addled audiences go home with smiles on their faces. Happy endings are for the reality-challenged, I’ve always contended. But I’ve
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A terrible thing happened the other day. We lost a great athlete. My sincere condolences go out to Eric Lamaze.I saw this video of Eric and Hickstead sharing their story and I thought it was very touching so I am going to share it with all of you. Li
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I am so saddened by Hickstead’s death that, even though I woke up this morning with a head full of thoughts about what I would write about him on this blog, I can’t find the place to start…
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That’s a Wrap!

I keep clicking my heels together but it’s not working. I just can’t get back to our Oasis in the land where the margaritas roam and the skies are not cloudy all day. On the upside, one dog, one horse and one cat are very happy to have us
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Let’s talk freestyles

You’ve probably all lost interest by now, so I’ll keep it to just a few specifics and general impressions. First of all I found the overall quality of the music to be much, much higher than I’ve ever seen in a small tour competition
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As we were sitting in traffic yesterday after going on a detour to the wrong Fiesta Americana hotel (who knew there were two hotels in this city with the same name? Not me, and not our taxi driver) Janner said we should add up all the hours we have s