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Florida Diaries Part 6

We are less than three hours away from arriving at Ocala with the second and last group. We picked up Leif Z in North Carolina at 6:00 a.m. today, having finally made it to the border at 5:00 p.m. between the ice storm and the snow storm. We had a gr
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Florida Diaries Part 5

“The best laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft aglay” Rabbie Burns We tried to set out three times already today and finally the roads are clear enough for us to make a run for the border. We hear the roads are good south of us
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As you might have guessed from the absence of my usual verbosity on yesterday’s posts, I have found myself at something of a loss for words. But I can assure you the situation is temporary. You would have to quite literally rip my tongue out by
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Florida Diaries Part 4

We left Florida eight hours after we got there. Yes, I believe it IS warm and sunny there. Georgia the Carolinas and Virginia went by in the dark. We hit Washington at 6:00 a.m. Later than perfect, but still early enough to get through in an hour. R
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Florida Diaries Part 3

Well North Carolina was dark and foggy, South Carolina and Georgia were just plain dark and finally we unloaded at our barn in Ocala by 9:00 a.m. Slept for a few hours and we are now out buying hay and feed before we turn around later this afternoon
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Read on

Akaash’s heart-felt and understatedly witty letter to Canada here.  For those of you in Canada who care enough to have an opinion, I ask you to make sure you know enough to own the opinion you choose to have. I will do my very best to help in
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You need to read this…

if you are Canadian and a member of EC. Click here Yes, I will be postponing my 2012 predictions in order to blog tomorrow about this piece of truly shocking news, which until a few days ago I could not have predicted in a million years.  
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Florida Diaries Part 2

Well the vet was there today and we are on our way two days late. We have already had a trick scare when it popped up a notice telling us to check engine. As it happens something just needed calibrated on the computer phew! We saw early morning sunsh
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Welcome 2012!

It’s the start of the New Year and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come this year. I am currently working on my competition plan to debut in grand prix and hopefully qualify for London. I had a great time in Poland for New Years. I