Online Exclusives

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Welly-ed out

It’s been a slice but holy ravioli am I ready for a little quiet time at home. I’ll wave bye-bye to Welly from the air tomorrow morning and will not likely set foot here again until next winter. But I have lots to tell you about, so stay
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Florida Diaries Part 8

It’s still rattling along like an express train at O’Hanlon Eventing. I remember (nostalgic tone…) when there was ‘down time’ in the winter and your horse took a holiday and you sort of did the necessities only for about
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Too Good for Canadians?

You know I must have my knickers in quite a twist to post twice in one day, right? Yesterday I was doing my morning international dressage catch up on Eurodressage – something I do most days of the year. Imagine my surprise when I read for the
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Look who’s going to London!

I know, I know. I promised I would post this ‘Monday at the latest’. Please cut me a little slack. It’s just  nuts here in Welly World. More nuts even than usual. I have barely had time to eat, never mind sleep. I got here on Sunda
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Welly World Part II

It’s not for lack of things to blog about  but the fourth dimension that has kept me away from my usual Wednesday posts this week. But I promise to make up for the wait with a post on the qualified nations for London (Azerbaijan???) to appear
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Right now there is a lockdown on all horses in every stable. Horses are not allowed to be transported at the moment due to a rhinovirus outbreak. Lots of shows have been cancelled. But the main problem is not the horses it’s the people who travel f
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If you haven’t yet taken a gander at my new blog ‘low-down’ on the site of Horse Sport International, you are missing out. I must confess that although I suppose I ought to feel mortified that the FEI has given me a slap on the wris
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Woe-rld of dressage

Today’s post begins with a bit of free advice to my favourite dysfunctional organization, Dressage Queen Canada: it’s not always the case that something is ‘better late than never’. Today I received a cheerful press release en
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Florida Diaries Part 7

It has been hectically quiet since the drives to Florida. Life in O’Hanlon Eventing North and South has been at full speed ahead. We run two barns thousands of kilometers apart for four months of the year. We don’t only split our horses,
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My new blog!

Remember a few weeks ago I hinted that I would have an exciting announcement to share with you? Well, it’s finally time, now that my new blog is up and running. In keeping with the tone of this blog – Straight-Up – the new one is ca