Online Exclusives

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J’aime Bromont

No, I don’t love Bromont. I ADORE BROMONT. What a little slice of paradise in which to hold a three day event. And on first contact, I can honestly say this is the smoothest running machine of an FEI competition I’ve seen in a very, very
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Vitall Update

I am sure everyone has been wondering over the last little bit where Vitall is and why haven’t I written about him. It’s a bit of a sad subject for me, and I didn’t want to put it out there until I for sure knew that my 2012 Olympic que
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Bromont or Bust!

I can’t stay away. Just when my travel schedule was calming down so that I could spend a bit more time riding my horse, walking my wiener (dog) and messing about in the garden, the final observation trial for the Canadian and US Eventing Olympi
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A Spectacular Showing at Jersey Fresh

Now it is all focus on Bromont.  Selena is riding Foxwood High in the two star.  This will probably be his last two star outing and she is looking forward to it.  He competed at Grandview in the Open Intermediate, we are pretty sure he finished se
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He’ll Have Another

Wow! Did you see the Preakness last weekend? If not, please do take a moment to watch this video before reading on. I really don’t know a thing about racing, but I think it’s safe for me to say this was a jockey’s win – or wha
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Sorry for such a long delay in between blogs! I have had a busy last month with lots of visitors, which has been great :). My mom came to visit for 10 days. It felt like Christmas when she opened her suitcase. She had brought all my little favourite
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Upstairs, Downstairs

I am now a quarter of a year into my two-time blogging, here on Straight-Up and on Horse Sport International’s site with Low-Down. It may seem at times that my blogs flow like so much verbal diarrhea, but in reality the image is more one of th
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Ken-adian Derby

It’s not every day Canada gets to claim credit for a winner of one of the world’s great horse races, but the Maple Leaf is stamped all over I’ll Have Another’s victory in Kentucky last week. I didn’t get to watch the rac
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Hump Day Headlines

I’ve always hated Wednesday, even though it has the cutest nickname of all the days of the week. I know ‘hump day’ is meant to say, ‘Hey! We’re half way there!’ But to me it has always meant ‘we’re only
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Catching Up On the Road to the Olympics

The weeks turn into months and fly by. It is really hard to keep track of simple things like the day of the week unless a major show is on the horizon and then each day is weighed and measured to fit into the schedule. On an Olympic year there are a