Online Exclusives

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Catching Up After Bromont

Bromont didn’t quite go as hoped.  It’s hard to say why.  Colombo has only eliminated Selena twice in six years and unfortunately Bromont was one of them.  It may have been the grueling schedule he had followed this Spring, five three
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Over My Dead Body: Wills and Horses

OVER MY DEAD BODY Wills and Horses by Catherine Willson and Bhavin Bilimoria   A will is a document prepared during your lifetime that directs the distribution of your assets and possessions on your death. It enables you to divide your estate as
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Wonder of EC Wonders

Take one crisply pressed,  fluttering Maple Leaf and run it all the way to the top of the flagpole at the EC office (which I’ve never seen, but they must have a flagpole, right?) and give a shout of joy. For EC has bestowed upon us a press rel
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Austria – Fritzens CDI 4*

I have to say that Austria is one of my favourite places in Europe so far. I felt so at home with the big mountains peering down at me. I have this feeling of closeness with them around me and the fresh air. I was just in heaven as we weaved our way
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Limited Time Offer! The Karen Voodoo Doll is Back!

Back by popular demand, the Karen Voodoo doll is being offered in a Limited London Edition, called the Cockney Karen Voodoo Doll. Every time you jab her, she cries out with exclamations of ‘crikey’, ‘blimey’, or ‘sod it&
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Not quite done yet

One more thing in reference to EC’s spectacular approach to sharing our Olympic team announcements with the world. The planned announcement is supposed to happen at Spruce on July 5th. I don’t know what significance it can possibly have t
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The Lamb Speaks

Further to my extensive rant of earlier today, I am indulging an irresistible urge to share with you the announcement of the US Olympic Dressage Team, which reached my inbox a few minutes ago, while being simultaneously posted on the USEF’s web
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Silencing the Lambs

I’ve blogged a lot about the Marketing and Communications department at EC. They have generously supplied me with enough material to keep me going during periods of quiet when I might otherwise have had to cast a wider net to find something to
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The Bad News Bears

The good news is, weather has been just grand here at Bromont for Cross country and for today’s impending show jumping. The bad news is, June 9, 2012 was not Canada’s finest hour.  Another bit of good news:  it was a safe day on cross c
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Sunny on XC

Greetings from cross country day at Bromont, where the sun is shining and there is nary a cloud to be found in the sky. The forecast is for warm but not hot weather today, which is good news for the 145 or so horses and riders that will exert themsel