The picturesque 'City of Lights ' Moroccan venue replaces Abu Dhabi on the 2024 circuit, taking place October 18-20.
The Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping introduces a brand new preview show featuring interviews and information.
The Canadian rider made it a double at Thunderbird Show Park by winning the Speed Derby and the Grand Prix.
Stockholm set the stage for the Belgian rider to finally stand at the top of the podium and punch his ticket to the Super Grand Prix.
The third of the Spruce Meadows Summer Tournaments saw the feature classes won by American, Mexican and British riders.
The Canadian Olympic team member took the $62,500 Fresh From Florida Grand Prix at WEC and now heads to Aachen and Chantilly.
Horses were studied wearing five different bridles using two different pressure measuring systems in an effort to standardize the method.
David O’Brien's parents were on hand to cheer him on; Canadian Olympic team members Millar and Deslauriers 4th and 6th.
Using the existing equestrian center already hosting major events would be significantly cost-saving compared to building a temporary venue.
Amy Millar, Mario Deslauriers and Erynn Ballard will represent the maple leaf in Paris; Tiffany Foster named as travelling alternate.