Sheryl and David Kerr have donated $100,000 to Equine Guelph to establish an equine education and community outreach endowment.
Eric Lamaze also weighs into risk mitigation, being shocked by the absence of social distancing and mask wearing at recent CSIs in Belgium.
A July 20th letter from Ontario Equestrian to its members asks that all review the official government document and continue to protect themselves.
An increasing number of positives caused by contaminants in hay and feed have been seen in recent years, leading riders to ask for doping rule adaptations.
World-famous research centre which holds DNA samples from every UK Thoroughbred has failed to secure the millions it needs to keep going.
EC has developed a resource package to assist competition organizers in adapting their events to foster a safe competition environment.
Topics include the Equine Behaviour Assessment Research Questionnaire and University of Guelph students discussing return-to-play and facility biosecurity.
As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, all equestrians have a responsibility to ensure their horses return to an appropriate fitness level before competing.
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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services has released some guidelines for the agricultural industry to minimize the risk of exposure to the coronavirus.