Top hunter/jumper coach and competitor Hyde Moffat of Schomberg, ON, believes riders should use the walk as the foundation for their flatwork skills. He shares his tips on unlocking the potential in the walk and the importance of this ‘forgotten’ gait.

“The walk is the basic working gait that everything is built off of. A horse works the same way at the walk as they would at the trot or canter; it’s a very easy way to introduce aids and gain control. If it doesn’t work at a walk, it’s not going to work at trot or canter.

Improving the quality of the walk allows you to work on straightness and developing a horse that moves evenly through its entire body. When the horse moves correctly, you can aid its ability to do the job easier and feel better fitness-wise. A good-quality working walk used in conjunction with hill work is a fantastic opportunity to build muscle, because horses are then truly engaging themselves.
