Nearly everyone who has ever trained a horse has improvised a piece of equipment at least once. Baling twine for a standing martingale, regular reins tied to the girth for emergency side reins, a willow switch for a quick reinforcement out on the trails

Necessity truly is the mother of invention.

A small number of equestrian innovators have taken that cliché one step farther and turned their inventions for a specific situation into a manufactured product. The names are imaginative and the claims are many and varied.

“Saves training time” is claimed by one company, “easy to use for all abilities” by another. These products are primarily available on line; if tack stores carry them, they are unwilling to admit it (perhaps a secret password is needed to be granted access to the ‘special tools’ section). Reputable trainers likewise do not endorse many of them, although of course that doesn’t mean no one uses them. Someone is buying these products, otherwise they would not have websites and online order forms that accept Visa and Paypal.
