Cross-training is commonly defined as training in sports other than the one in which an athlete competes; I take my horse Discansano out on the dyke at the beach and school the piaffe there, because the environment perks him up and improves his performance of that movement.

The following is only a partial list of activities and exercises that I use with my own horses and with my students to put some variety and cross-training into the training program:

Out of the Box, Literally

There is no simpler way to vary your rides than to leave the arena. Trail riding builds cardiovascular fitness, even at the walk, which is low-impact. Dressage horses tend to excel in strength and flexibility, but they are often not cardio-fit. Hill work improves cardio fitness and hind leg muscular strength in the horse’s gaskin. If the footing is good and your horse is not too hot to cope mentally, a slow, stretching gallop is not only good for fitness, it will be a thrill for both you and the horse.
