I have to give American FEI trainer Kathy Connelly credit for showing me how to design my warm-up at a competition to have the best possible horse going into the show ring.

Of course, each horse is different, so the warm-up is unique for each individual. When I design the show warm-up for a horse, I get quite scientific. The nice thing about dressage shows is that you are given an exact time for your ride. In Florida, where I do most of my competing, the shows run very much on schedule, which makes it possible for me to plan precisely how long I will need for the warm-up. I assign a specific amount of time that I expect to need for each part, including some walk at the beginning and the stretching. My design includes identifying what is the best work to do first in the warm-up, and what is the best thing to establish last, immediately before I go into the show ring.

Here is an example of how precise my plan would be with one horse:
