Sometimes it’s a small issue that is resolved at home between shows, and sometimes it’s serious enough to send the rider back to the drawing board. Eventing is particularly challenging in this respect. Sorting through an issue on the flat has to share time and energy with cross-country schooling and conditioning sessions. Robin Hahn believes the solution begins before the first event of the year, with good preparation and realistic expectations.

But even the best-prepared riders can face unexpected challenges. Robin applies a confidence-building focus to his approach, whether he’s coaching a rider before their first event, or helping a student work through a mid-season stumbling block.

An ounce of prevention

When you go to a competition, you want your horse to go as well as he does while happily schooling at home. A competition is not a place to try to do things better than you have been able to achieve at home. It is at competitions that you are most likely to be challenged by your horse, but if you use the same aids you have used at home while you were building your horse’s confidence, you can overcome the challenges that arise during competition.
