They allow focus on the basics and improvement in specific areas without taking up much space or requiring the use of many materials. Jenn Serek is a firm believer in the use of grids in her training program, and uses them as often as twice a week with horses and riders of all levels.

“For a rider, grids are a great way to help strengthen the position. Especially with the younger or novice intermediate riders we use grids a lot, as it reduces the number of variables and they don’t have to find distances.

One of the reasons I love gymnastic work is because it really gives the horse a nice fair chance at the jumps and allows juniors and amateurs to work on technique. With the issue of having to find distances eliminated, we can settle into working on something specific. With the jumpers, we will use gymnastic exercises once a week to help them with technique and keep them sharp. It’s so important to never put the horse in a position where it feels trapped; you just want to find ways to encourage them to jump their best.
