Doing regular ‘check-ins’ to examine your program and the effectiveness of your horse management is important not only at the end of a season. We have to be disciplined in working towards being better riders and horseman every single day. You should never get to a point where you can take anything for granted – not your position, your horse, or the level you jump at. You have to manage yourself, your fitness, your horse’s fitness, and never get complacent.

That being said, the end of the season provides a good point of comparison to ensure each horse is as happy and healthy as it was at the start of show season. Does the horse need any chiropractic work, treatment for ulcers, injections, or massage? Is your horse too fit or too fat? Do you need to adjust the feeding program?

The off-season is also a good time to make sure your tack is in good condition: does anything need repairs? Is the elastic on your girth in good condition? How is the stitching on your stirrup leathers? Do you need to change bits over the the winter months?
