He was the chef d’équipe of the 2012 Swedish Olympic dressage team, is an FEI judge, an international rider and a representative of the Swedish Equestrian Federation. The 58-year-old Jenå studied with well-known trainers Major Anders Lindgren and Walter Christensen and worked alongside international dressage rider Kyra Kirkland at Flyinge. He held a long-lining clinic at the Global Dressage Forum NA in West Palm Beach, FL, in January. Following is a synopsis of the concepts he presented in the clinic there. 

Why Long-Lining?

Long-lining is an excellent way to improve your connection with the horse through the reins, to observe the evenness of the activity of the hind legs and the level of engagement of the horse’s hindquarters. It can also help improve suppleness, collection and teach the horse to accept the outside rein without interference from the rider’s weight. Long-lining is also a good way to introduce variety into your horse’s training repertoire, and can be incorporated into every young dressage horse’s training.

Equipment You Will Need:

• Surcingle with many rings (on top and mid-way down on the sides)
