Jill MacRae, assistant coach at Wingberry Farms, is an educator, manager and coach with over 30 years’ experience leading and managing change in the Toronto and York Catholic School Boards, coupled with 20 years of Olympic and international management experience with the Canadian Equestrian Team. She is an avid rider and coach with a passion for learning and sharing. Between 1978 and 1995, Jill managed numerous Canadian Equestrian Teams at Pan American Games, World Championships, World Equestrian Games and Olympics. She was Team Leader for the 1996 Olympic team in Atlanta, and is currently co-chair of the Ontario Young Riders Show Jumping Program.

Congratulations – you’ve had a successful outdoor show season and have qualified to ride, for the first time, at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, one of the most prestigious competitions in Canada. As exciting as that prospect may be, it may also be intimidating and stressful. With proper preparation, doing your homework and practicing some of the elements you anticipate you’ll encounter in the ring, your experience can be a Royal treat.

Here’s what Wingberry Farms’ assistant coach Jill MacRae, a seasoned Royal veteran, has to say about preparing yourself and your horse for your first visit to the Royal. Even if you don’t plan to compete under the bright lights at the Ricoh Coliseum in downtown Toronto, these same tips are useful if you plan to compete in indoor shows anywhere this winter.
