When ridden well, dressage looks so easy that it is tempting to overlook the amount of balance and core strength required to create that effortless appearance: tall in the saddle, long quiet legs, a deep seat, and nearly invisible aids.

Debbie Dobson understands the struggle many riders face in trying to achieve that balance. With a lifetime of experience as a rider and trainer, and more than 20 years operating Equestrian Dreams near Campbellvile, ON, Dobson emphasizes rider biomechanics in her lesson program to help clients achieve their goals. While overall rider fitness is essential and she recommends yoga, Pilates, and working with a personal trainer out of the saddle, Dobson shared a number of simple yet effective mounted exercises that can be done by riders of all levels to improve balance and create a deep, independent seat.

All of these exercises can be done on a lunge line with a safe, reliable horse. More advanced riders can also practice those that don’t require dropping the reins off the lunge line as well.
