At their Reindalyne Farm in Uxbridge, ON, Kendal Lehari (short-listed on the 2014 Canadian Eventing Team) and her eventer/coach mother, Gwen, start many of their own horses, clients’ horses or off-the-track Thoroughbreds they are retraining as eventers. In the second of a series on training young event horses, Kendal discusses their system for working with three-year-olds.

In the first article of this series, we talked about how we start horses in the fall/winter of their two-year-old year. It’s a four- to six-week process, followed by a long break until they turn three.

During that initial training, the horses will have started lungeing in side reins and have learned to move freely into the contact. They’ve also been introduced to long-lining and learned how to stop, go, and steer. By the time we back them, it’s just adding weight and leg to the equation. We usually do only walk-trot with two-year-olds, and only canter if they offer it.
