“The walk pirouette, which is introduced in tests at fourth level, differs from the larger turn on the haunches in second and third level tests in one important sense: it requires collection in order to perform the movement of turning the shoulders around the haunches. As with all exercises in dressage, a movement can be only as good as the quality of gait in which it is ridden.

The most common mistake I see riders make when they collect the walk is that they slow it down, rather than getting the horse to make shorter but more active steps. Until the rider can achieve a correct, active collected walk, the walk pirouette will be quite difficult to perform.

In any of the walk work, maintaining the four-beat rhythm of the gait is key. You don’t need a horse with a perfect walk, or an expensive horse, to perform a very high-quality walk pirouette. Trained correctly, any horse and rider should be able to perform the walk pirouette for a very high mark.
