At the end of a course, a rider simply pulls up and and walks out of the ring, instead of doing a lead change and completing a final circle. How hard are you on that?

In my books, that constitutes cheating by not finishing the components of the course properly, so I will be hard on that in my scoring. The rider needs to get the lead change, circle nicely with a progression back down to the walk, and then exit the ring.

How do you feel about a rider wearing sunglasses in a hunter class?

It doesn’t bother me at all, as I am judging the horse, not the rider. If you feel you need them that is up to you; I will not in any way count it against your performance.

How serious is it when a horse begins to play after the jump?

A judge needs to watch carefully to determine if the play is vicious, excited, fresh, or just an innocent expression of happiness – the horses using all of his parts and feeling good – and should not penalize the latter. A judge’s job is to interpret this activity and rule as innocent or guilty!
