A horse comes into the first class wearing boots; as a judge, what do you do?

I wouldn’t judge them in the first class. I would call over to the in-gate and inform them that wearing the boots makes them ineligible for placing, so removing the boots in the second class would be much appreciated. A judge is not required to communicate this, however.

A horse shows in the first of back-to-back classes wearing a gag snaffle. As a judge, it’s your call as to whether or not this is legal, but how would you handle this situation?

I personally consider the gag snaffle illegal. I would first notify the steward of this and then, while holding the rider before their second round, I would explain to them through the steward that should they want me to judge them, the bit needs to be changed. This approach is always much more appreciated, rather than canceling them out of both classes without an explanation.

Other than two or three refusals, can you as a judge excuse a horse-rider combination for any other reasons?

Yes, definitely. For example, unruly and or disruptive behavior (which directly impacts the other competitors) gives reason to excuse a horse-rider combination. Another reason for excusal would be extensive or over-disciplining in the ring.
