Access to the Zone starts with tossing your ego out the door. The horse doesn’t care if you’re a famous novelist or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He doesn’t care if your father is a rock star or a famous football player. He also doesn’t care if you have no claim to fame. He doesn’t think less of you for it.

It’s the same with any sport. The basketball, the baseball, the golf ball—they don’t care. You get no break for your credentials and no disrespect for your lack of credentials. That’s the beautiful nature of all sport. But the horse, unlike those balls, is blood and bone, heart and soul.

The horse takes you even farther down the evolutionary road, by requiring you reach out to him in a spirit of receptivity—that you listen and feel compassion, empathy, kindness, benevolence, humility, and gratitude. He requires you acknowledge the truth for what it is without sugar-coating it or embellishing it with positive or negative drama. The horse requires that you to have faith in that truth and in the processes of life—of health and growth—and that you have faith in the time-honored process of training horses that we call by its French name, “dressage.”
