To my 20-year-old self, I am a complete and utter failure – a disappointment of the highest degree. She was convinced that her future lay riddled with golden hair and tanned skin upon a string of sleek show horses all routed for Badminton and the Olympics and perhaps the more common ones to local four-stars. Olympic medals would be strewn about her house in Martha Stewart-esque shadow boxes and she would drive to the events in an ink-blue BMW.

My 40-year-old self does have blonde hair, and to be fair, such tanned skin that I’m trying to find time to book myself in for a chem peel, but I’m afraid that’s where the comparison ends. I do have the shadow boxes full of medals at home (but sadly they are not my own) and I drive a black Mazda to the events.

But in my own defense, I would like to prove to the court that the aforementioned 20-year-old girl was an idiot. Oh, she had the vision down to the last detail, but she never asked the questions as to the how and cost of said horses, nor did she compare her reality with the right role models. She compared apples to oranges all the time. She was naive and ignorant and had no idea what it meant to be a ‘normal’ girl in a horsey world.
