Am I allowed to lunge my horse in the warm-up ring? Or do I have to stay out only if there is a “No Lungeing” sign posted?

If there is no specified lunge area, most officials will try to help you find a safe place or time to lunge. When horses are warming up or preparing for a class it is inappropriate and dangerous to have horses lungeing. In EC Dressage rules, lungeing must be stewarded (7.16.3). It is the organizer’s decision as to the positioning of a lungeing area where room and space allows. The rules do not specify that lungeing space must be provided, however (7.16.7).

In what situations does a steward need to be present?

Let’s look at a specific case: a competitor at a hunter competition has not been placed in their class. They are hot. “My horse has placed in every class this year, that judge is blind!” As you can see, it might be counterproductive for this competitor to seek out the judge in the heat of the moment. The rules protect both the judge and the competitor by involving the steward:

Art A1312 (5.6.7)
