Under what circumstances would a Jumper Warning Card be issued?

The Warning Card is only given for offences in the schooling or warm-up ring. The types of things flagged by officials might be jumping an illegal fence, rapping a horse, or any abuse including, but not restricted to, excessive use of spurs, whip abuse, or brutal and inappropriate use of reins. The warning card is specific to violation of Schooling Rules. These cards can be given by the steward or a member of the ground jury.

The Yellow Card is given for rule violations deemed minor in nature that may occur anyplace on the competition grounds, such as not leaving the field of play without delay after elimination, or an individual not following the directives of the organizing committee or competition officials. Also, inappropriate behaviour towards other competitors or fans (or even moms and dads) could initiate the issuing of a Yellow Card. This card may be issued by a steward, a judge, or a technical delegate.
