Exhausted horse syndrome refers to a range of metabolic and physiologic conditions that may occur when horses become fatigued. Affected horses may display a decrease in energy, appetite or appear stiff and weak. In serious cases, cardiac arrhythmias, shock, muscle damage, colic and diarrhea may develop. Horses that are under-conditioned, performing in endurance events or exercised in hot or humid environments are at higher risk for exhaustion. If exercise is not immediately halted and treatment initiated, then life-threatening complications may occur.

Exhaustion may develop with any prolonged period of exercise such as endurance rides, three-day events and extended trail rides. Many factors contribute to the potential for exhaustion. Different breeds are better suited to prolonged exercise while others excel at shorter, more high intensity work. The animal’s training and fitness ideally should be suited for the event they are participating in, although even highly prepared animals may develop exhaustion. Any underlying disease, including lameness, anemia and respiratory disease will increase the risk of fatigue.

Exhaustion is a multifactorial condition. Heat, electrolyte imbalance and energy stores may contribute. A large amount of heat is produced while exercising. Heat needs to be appropriately regulated and removed from an exercising animal via sweat and air movement. If heat is not removed, then the core body temperature steadily increases. Approximately 65% of heat is lost via sweat, 25% via respiratory evaporation and the remaining 10% via other mechanisms. This is made more difficult when the conditions include high heat and humidity or when the animal is dehydrated.
