EC’s AGM is scheduled for Sept. 28th where the 24 voting members (there should be 27 but there are two vacancies) are tasked with, among other things, approving the proposed by-law changes. In a summary of the proposed changes, EC outlined what the various changes would achieve, but the descriptions were quite brief. To help better explain the implications of the proposed changes, has consulted with several industry and governance experts to create the following explanations of what’s at stake.

By-Laws VS Articles

Though it isn’t included in the AGM’s Agenda, EC is proposing to change both its by-laws and Articles of Continuance (Articles of Incorporation). The Articles are the legal documents that define EC and as such require a Special Resolution which will require approval of 2/3 of the Voting Members (17 votes) to pass.

Proposed Article Change #1: Section 8
