Alisha Wilson is getting the chance to follow her passion while making a positive impact on others at the same time. As founder and certified facilitator at Transitions Equine Assisted Learning, she’s showing people what’s possible when you get the immediate, non-judgemental feedback that a horse can provide.

Living by the dual credos of ‘Trust the Journey’ and ‘Embrace the Ride’, Alisha has ridden life’s roller-coaster up and down but says there is always something to be grateful for. And what began as a ‘tick the box’ exercise for her has resulted in Transitions – in her words, a more emotional and educational experience than she expected.

Her journey has given her the ability to help people see their worth in some eye-opening ways, and it’s given Alisha the clarity to understand the lessons imparted to her by so many of the horses she’s been fortunate to have in her life. It’s a powerful conversation that shines a light on some very important areas.

Alisha Wilson can be found online at, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Listen to the episode here: