The McQuakers' horse-trying expedition spanned six days, three countries, 2,500 km and 20 horses - plus a lot of delicious dinners.
Marion Cunningham and Bill Tilford are the driving forces behind the sponsorship of classes that benefit developing young riders.
Horses are the lifeblood of this family, from hunter/jumpers to polo ponies to racehorses, thanks to the influence of patriarch Jim Elder.
The current climate has forced buyers to be more open-minded, considering different breeds and ages and waiving PPEs and trial periods.
Help your children master money and understand budgeting by using their passion to learn important financial life lessons.
Timur and his son Nikolaus are establishing themselves as a formidable training and riding duo in the Black Forest region of Germany.
They are not sexy and are complex to untangle, but bylaws are extremely important and any changes need to be scrutinized and evaluated.
Ten provincial federations have expressed concerns leading up to the Sept. 28 AGM regarding proposed changes to the Articles and bylaws.
There are a number of ways to become a part of the thrilling experience of owning a thoroughbred racehorse.
The company manages flight arrangements for show jumping horses competing at Spruce Meadows, the Royal and major games.