Recently, bringing my horse in from the paddock, I saw that the one remaining horse outside was unhappy about being left alone. I asked our staff person if she would like me to bring her in. She replied, “Oh she’s just having one of her temper tantrums. She’s fine.”

This response triggered my psychologically-minded brain to question, “Do horses have temper tantrums like human toddlers or former American presidents?” Wasn’t this horse simply making a reasonable request to join her friends in the barn?

Indeed, horses’ communication efforts are often mislabeled as temper tantrums, a poor work ethic (as if horses should have a work ethic), or being a chestnut mare. A look at the research indicates that horses are eager and willing to communicate with us (they have clearly been trying their hearts out to understand what we have to say to them), but we haven’t always been the best listeners.
