An international show jumping competition would not be a true one without a victory from the French Roger-Yves Bost (the world-renowned “Bosty”). This he achieved today with Nikyta d’Elle in the Prix GL events.
A rider’s reaction after a victory is nearly always the same: “It’s important to win in Paris, especially in a competition like the Prix GL events. And winning underneath the glass roof of the Grand Palais is even more fabulous.”
To win this class (against the clock) was not easy with a visibly difficult course that resulted in faults for many other riders: “Altogether, it was a very technical class with challenging heights (1.50m) that required agile horses in the arena. My mare is very careful and resilient. Yet today, I was pleasantly surprised that we managed to keep our position until the end, as we were number five on the start list. The mare had not competed indoors for a while and after a slight moment of uneasiness yesterday, she was perfect today.”