In its annual awards and recognition program, renowned equestrian trades magazine Tack’n’Togs’ has named Jochen Schleese Equestrian Manufacturer of the Year under its “Best of the Best for 2008” title. He is featured in a four page spread  “Helping Horses Worldwide” in the May 2008 issue. 

Jochen Schleese invited to teach at German National Training Center this coming February. The Saddlefit 4 Life® philosophy (developed over the past 20 years by Jochen Schleese)  utilizes expertise from top trainers, physiotherapists, chiropractors and veterinarians. The philosophy is now being taught in Australia, Asia, North America, Holland, Germany and other parts of Europe. 

Heike Kemmer “HK” Saddlefit 4 Life Saddle

Saddlefit 4 Life is proud to announce that German Olympic Dressage Gold Medal Team Member Heike Kemmer is outfitting her entire stable with our newest model – the “HK”! Available exclusively only through our Saddlefit 4 Life partners world wide – Horobin in Australia; Equine Rose in Europe, and Schleese in North America, this revolutionary design will retail for $5495.00. Incorporating a state-of-the-art design, this saddle offers a 3/4 integrated shoulder relief panel, deep seat, monoflap, and interchangeable thigh rolls. 

Watch for the debut of the new website listing all Saddlefit 4 Life partners worldwide where you can take advantage of our newest product offerings incorporating the Saddlefit 4 Life philosophy of Education and Analysis, Innovative Saddle Solutions, and Ongoing Service!