Equestrian Canada (EC) is pleased to announce the renewal of the reciprocal agreement with US Equestrian (USEF) for 2021-2023.

This agreement allows for EC Sport Licence Holders to compete in USEF licensed competitions without paying a USEF non-member fee*. It also allows EC certified Officials to receive a guest card for officiating at USEF licensed competitions.

Furthermore, the agreement recognizes all policies and training requirements, including those related to Safe Sport, adopted by each national federation. Non-monetary disciplinary action (e.g. suspensions, bans) taken by either EC or USEF against a member or Sport Licence Holder, or agency sanctioned by either party, will be upheld and enforced in both countries. To take advantage of USEF licensed competition offerings, EC Sport Licence Holders must complete two Safe Sport training modules, Fostering Healthy Environments and Concussion Awareness, which are available free for Sport Licence Holders through the ECampus.
