Ottawa’s Rayne Dubois scored a hometown win in the $15,000 Grand Prix held Saturday, May 28, 2022, at Wesley Clover Parks in Ottawa, ON, during the Ottawa Welcome show jumping tournament.

Following two years of restricted access due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wesley Clover Parks welcomed spectators back to enjoy show jumping competition at its first tournament of the 2022 season. Competition was at its finest with a trio of young female riders successfully navigating the first-round track set by Canadian course designer, Pierre Burch, to qualify for the jump-off.

Julia Wiggins, 19, of Kanata, ON, was the pathfinder over the short course riding Lynnford AS, a 10-year-old Holsteiner gelding sired by Larimar 7 and owned by Julia Wiggins Equestrian. When a rail fell at the final fence for four faults, the door was open for the next two challengers.