The FEI has released a summary of the main decisions made at the General Assembly, held November 1-5 in Taipei.

The GA approved the Technical Committee chairman’s report which included updates on:

Education of Judges
Education is crucial for the future of the sport. Judging and assessment of judges was restructured in 2009 and both promotion and refresher courses were modified accordingly.

Work on course material and a logbook (on GP level) has begun. Criteria for becoming/remaining a judge have been made stricter.

Every judge will need to do a refresher course every three years as a minimum. The judges list will be overseen and inactive judges will be removed.

A new 2* category for judges, who may judge the Small Tour, has been created. They can later progress to become 3* judges. This is beneficial for developing countries with no education system for 3* judges.

Appointment of Judges: A new appointment system for judges for the main events has been introduced.

World Ranking List: Some changes to the World Ranking List system were approved to adjust the balance between GP, GPS and GPFS and make the major events more attractive.

Reem Acra FEI World Cup™ Dressage
A new bidding procedure for the Western European League (Reem Acra FEI World Cup™ Dressage) will be introduced.

The new edition of the FEI Rules for Dressage Events was approved: Rules for Dressage Events, 24rd edition, effective January 1, 2011. This fully revised edition reflects the proposals made by the Dressage Task Force, submitted to the 2009 General Assembly, which were tested throughout the year.

The report of the Technical Committee Chair was approved.

The Rules for Para-Equestrian Dressage Events, 3rd edition, effective January 1, 2011, were approved. The effort to align the Rules for Para-Equestrian Dressage as much as possible with the Rules for Dressage continued in order to allow able bodied trainers, chefs d’équipe, judges and coaches to work with Para-Equestrian riders. The changes included in the third edition of the Rules for Para-Equestrian Dressage Events are in line with the changes made to the Rules for Dressage Events.

Education of Judges
An education programme for Para-Equestrian judges has been set and the first courses will be launched in 2011.

In his report to the GA, the Technical Committee chairman highlighted the following items:

FEI Championship Strategy

CSI / CSIO Requirements: in order to make it easier for the athletes from NFs that do not host higher level events to obtain certificates of capability for the Olympic Games and World Equestrian Games, the following was approved: “Exemptions for the maximum height of a CSI1*/2* events would only be granted for sporting reasons in countries hosting numerous CSI3* and higher level events, not for prize money reasons. If NFs need an exemption in order to provide their athletes with the opportunity to obtain Certificates of Capability, an exemption would be granted, but if NFs that regularly host CSIs of 3* level and higher simply wish to organize competitions with a height greater than 1.45m without offering minimum 3* prize money an exemption would not be granted.”

S-M–L Tour: The introduction of a series for Amateur riders by the name of S-M-L Tour for one year was approved. It will be held in Germany with the final at Leipzig (GER) on the occasion of the Rolex FEI World Cup™ Final. Should the series be a success, an extension may be granted.

Strategic Plan 2011 – 2013: The Bureau approved the Jumping Committee’s strategic plans for the years 2011 to 2013.

Modifications to the following rules were approved:
FEI Rules for Jumping Events, 23 edition, (with changes and additions applicable from 1 January 2011).

FEI World Cup™ Jumping: It is the intention to divide the FEI Central European World Cup™ League into two separate leagues for the purpose of reducing the amount of travel required on horses thereby making it easier to qualify for the FEI World Cup™ Final. As of the 2011/2012 FEI World Cup™, season mainland China would be added to the World Cup™ calendar as a new league. This could be viewed as a positive development resulting from the 2008 Olympic Games which took place in Hong Kong.

FEI Nations Cup™ Rule changes reflect the recommendations of a working group created by the Jumping Committee to examine ways of reducing travel of horses and improving the standard of events in the Nations Cup European Promotional League.

– Full points may be obtained in both the Nations Cup European Promotional League and Challengers League by the same team.

– The course in all Nations Cup competitions of the Nations Cup Promotional League and Challengers League must be at least 4* level.

– Nations Cup course plans for Nations Cup competitions at CSIO-3* events must be submitted to FEI HQ for approval.

Rules for the Rolex Rankings: upon the request of the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC), Rolex Ranking points may be frozen for injury the same way that points are frozen for pregnancy. The exact wording will be discussed with the IJRC.

The GA approved the Technical Committee chairman’s report which included updates on:
the FEI Eventing Risk Management Policy and Action Plan:

horses and riders training;

horses and riders qualifications;

disciplinary procedures: a clear distinction between “abuse of horse” and “dangerous riding” has been introduced in the Rules for Eventing, 23rd edition (with changes and additions applicable from January 1, 2011) in order to better implement disciplinary procedures related to dangerous riding.

officials training and education: in all FEI seminars for Eventing Officials a compulsory half-day section on Risk Management has been included.

cross-country design: the FEI Cross Country Design Guidelines have been updated with the contribution of the top FEI course designers and are now the fundamental reference for the best practice of Cross Country course design. The document will be updated annually with all new findings.

rider protection: the Eventing Committee is closely monitoring the development and testing of air-vests.

frangible deformable structures: different devices were created and tested in competitions in 2010. Results are still under investigation and discussion.

– eventing statistics: the 2004-2009 statistical report was produced with the new FEI database that will be used as a bench-marking tool to continuously monitor the level of risk involved in the sport.

involvement of the National Federations: The National Safety Officers Programme has been included in the Rules for Eventing with the obligatory appointment of an NSO for each NF active in Eventing. An NSO meeting will be held on an annual basis.

education of Officials;

Eventing series;

HSBC-FEI World Eventing Riders Rankings: the updated Rankings are published at the beginning of each month.

– development: the Eventing Committee is involved in a development plan for South America in view of the Pan American Games. The Eventing Development Officers are working closely with the Development department on opportunities in Eastern Europe, South Africa, India and South East Asia.

– long-term strategy

Modifications to the following rules were approved:
Rules for Eventing, 23rd edition (with changes and additions applicable from 1 January 2011);

FEI World Cup™ Eventing for the 2011 season: This concept will include a series with a final classification of riders on points with a prize money fund based on the contribution of the 2011 organisers.

The GA approved the reports of the Technical Committee chairs for Driving, Vaulting, Endurance and Reining. The main focus was on welfare of the horse, safety, and education.

A s-r list for Endurance Treatment Veterinarians, effective as of January 1, 2011, was approved. A “fast track” procedure, similar to that used for Endurance Vets/Judges in the past will be used to accomplish this goal. The new criteria will require treatment vets to have taken a Level I Endurance Veterinarian course, as well as have a minimum amount of experience in the field before they are eligible for appointment to star-rated status.

The position that specific vital aspects in place and approved at an Endurance Test Event must not be changed without the approval of the Technical Delegate and Foreign Veterinary Delegate. Further, any concerns that arise at a test event, particularly those which involve the welfare of the horses and/or the integrity of the competition, must be corrected to the satisfaction of both the Technical Delegate and the Foreign Veterinary Delegate. These “Approval Requirements” will become an integral part of the championship contract with FEI.

In Vaulting, the new Technical Test move for 2011 was selected and will be published. A new name for the FEI Vaulting Seminar was agreed upon: FEI Vaulting World Forum 2011

The Forum will be for officials and for one trainer/lounger per NF. The main topic for discussion during the forum in February 2011 will be the rule revision to be effective in 2012.

A new competition format, called FEI World Cup™ Vaulting, taking place during the indoor season, was proposed. It will be test run during the 2010-2011 season. The qualifying events are taking place in four venues from October to December 2010 and the final will be held in Leipzig in April 2011. The top eight female and male Vaulters on the 2010 rankings will be selected to take part in the FEI World Cup™ Vaulting.

Modifications to the following rules were approved:
Rules for International Combined Driving Events, 10th edition (with changes and additions applicable from January 1, 2011)

FEI World Cup™ Driving, 2010/2011 season
Rules for Endurance Events, 7th edition (with changes and additions applicable from January 1, 2011)

Rules for Reining Events, 3rd edition (with changes and additions applicable from January 1, 2011)

Modifications to the following FEI Rules and Regulations were approved:

Statutes, 22nd edition, effective April 15, 2007, updated January 1, 2011

General Regulations, 23rd edition, January 1, 2009, updated January 1, 2011

Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMRs), 1st Edition, effective April 5, 2010, updated January 1, 2011

Veterinary Regulations, 12th Edition, effective April 5, 2010, updated January 1, 2011.

FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA), based on the 2009 revised WADA Code, effective January 1, 2011


Olympic Games – Jumping
The speed of the Jumping Competitions at the 2012 Olympic Games will be reduced to 375m per minute due to the size of the arena.

Group F (Africa and Middle East) Olympic Qualification event will take place in Abu Dhabi (UAE) from 3 to 6 February 2011.

Three bids have been received to host the Group C (Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia) and G (South East Asia; Oceania) Olympic qualifier, namely Aachen (GER), Sopot (POL) and Istanbul (TUR). The introduction of a deadline date to conclude the bidding process will be discussed with the relevant NFs.

Olympic Games – Dressage
A new alternative shorter Grand Prix Special Test will be introduced on 1 January 2011 as a second Grand Prix Special Test was needed for the 2012 Olympic Games. The two-minute reduction is necessary to fulfill the IOC’s requirement to keep the same time frame as in Hong Kong and to allow a total of 32 horses (7 teams and 11 individuals) to take part in the competition. This format will not be used at other FEI Championships.

Paralympic Games
The qualification procedures for the 2012 Paralympic Games, which were approved by the 2009 FEI General Assembly, have been approved by the International Paralympic Committee. The qualification system will slightly differ from previous Games in order to allow for the participation of more nations.

Officials for future YOG will be appointed in the same way as officials are appointed for the Olympic Games.

An education system, consisting of three levels, was developed.

Level 1
National Stewards who successfully complete a Level 1 course that has been run according to the FEI syllabus are promoted to FEI Level 1 Stewards. This status does not permit a Steward to act as Chief Steward at an international event. All assistant Stewards at international events must hold at least this status. Level 1 courses can be conducted in national languages. However, participants who attend a Level 1 course that is not run in English and who wish to continue to Level 2 status must take all three Level 1 exams in English.

Level 2
Level 1 Stewards who successfully complete a Level 2 course that has been run according to the FEI syllabus are promoted to FEI Level 2 Stewards. This status permits a Steward to act as Chief Steward at all international events with the exception of FEI World Cup™ Finals, Senior Championships and Games. All Level 2 courses must be run in English, including all examinations.

Level 3
Level 2 Stewards may be promoted by the FEI to Level 3 status following proposal by their NF Stewards General via their National Federations. In order to be proposed, they must have been a Level 2 Steward for at least three years, and must have acted as the Chief Steward in at least six CI or higher events. This status permits a Steward to act as Chief Steward at all international events including FEI World Cup™ Finals, Senior Championships (world, continental and regional) and Games (Olympic Games, regional games).

All Level 3 Stewards must be able to speak and write English.

FEI courses for Stewards must follow the syllabus established by the FEI, who also establishes a list of Course Directors. To be recognized by the FEI, a course must be directed by one of the Course Directors on the FEI list. Courses for FEI Course Directors are organised by the FEI.

The FEI also organises refresher courses for the FEI Stewards General. Each NF or groups of NFs or region organises Level 1 and Level 2 courses for their own Stewards that must be directed by one of the FEI Course Directors. Thirteen Stewards Courses were organised in 2010. Currently courses for Jumping and Dressage Stewards are available. Further disciplines will follow in 2011.

Appointment of Deputy Hon. FEI Steward General in Jumping
Due to the amount of work involved, the introduction of a position for a Deputy Hon. FEI Steward General in Jumping was approved. Mrs Frances Triulzi (ITA) has agreed to fill this appointment.