The focus groups formed by FEI Anti Doping and Medication Commission members, selected experts and FEI staff have begun their work. Four working groups were created: Lab Group; Legal Group; List Group; and Communications and Education Group. Three groups – Lab, Legal and List – met on 29 and 30 January and 4 February respectively. The remaining group – Communications and Education – will meet on 9 February.

The groups’ composition and main tasks are as follows:


The main task of the Lab Group is looking at issues related to analysis of FEI samples and how these comply with FEI policy.


From Commission:

· Don Catlin (USA), IOC Medical Committee Member

· Alex McLin, FEI Secretary General

· Tim Ober (USA), USA Team Veterinarian

· Carl Boukaert (BEL), Eventing Rider


· Martial Saugy (SUI), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Laboratory Director

· Harald Müller, FEI Executive Director Development

· Yves Bonnaire (FRA), Laboratoire des Courses Hippiques (FEI reference laboratory in France)

· Tom Lomangino (USA), FEI reference laboratory in the USA

· Steve Maynard (GBR), Horseracing Forensic Laboratory Director (FEI reference laboratory in Great Britain)

· Terence Wan (HKG), The Hong Kong Jockey Club Racing Laboratory Department (FEI reference laboratory in Hong Kong)


The main task of the Legal Group is to examine matters relating to the current FEI anti-doping and medication control rules and evidentiary issues.


From Commission:

· Richard McLaren (CAN), Professor in law and member of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

· Ken Lalo (ISR), FEI Tribunal Chair


· Xavier Favre-Bulle (SUI), Legal counsel

· Olivier Niggli (SUI), WADA Legal Finance Director


The main task of the List Group is to consider the issues relating to the FEI equine prohibited list and associated therapeutic use exemptions (TUE) matters.


From Commission:

· John McEwen (GBR), FEI Veterinary Committee Chairman

· Sven Holmberg (SWE), FEI First Vice President and Jumping Committee Chairman

· Christophe Barbeau (SUI), Jumping rider


· Richard Corde (FRA), FEI Veterinarian

· Friedrich Von Saldern (GER), FEI Veterinarian

· Alain Garnier (SUI), WADA Medical Director


The main task of the Communications and Education Group is to propose ways to effectively educate riders, grooms and veterinarians and improve the general public and media understanding of the system in place.


From Commission:

· Kristin Kloster Aasen (NOR), President of the Norwegian Equestrian Federation

· Wayne Channon (GBR), Dressage rider


· Richard Johnson, FEI Communications Director

· Harald Müller, FEI Executive Director Development

The findings of the working groups will be sent to the FEI Anti-Doping and Medication Commission in time for its first meeting on 6 March. The Commission, chaired by IOC Medical Commission Chairman and WADA Vice President Arne Ljungqvist, comprises representatives of the Olympic disciplines riders, owners, NFs, Veterinarians, Court of Arbitration for Sport, and FEI Tribunal. The Commission’s initial report will be made to the FEI Bureau during its meeting on 31 March.