The FEI, in partnership with #WeRideTogether, has developed an online Safeguarding training course accessible to everyone involved in equestrian sport. The course provides basic awareness on safeguarding participants against harassment and abuse, explaining why safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and provides guidance on the actions we can each take to protect ourselves and others.

The course is free of charge, is available on FEI Campus and is accessible to all, and in particular is aimed at athletes, coaches, grooms, parents, officials, administrators and volunteers; from recreational to elite level sport. Currently available in English, it is planned to translate the content into other languages over the coming year.

In total, the course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and includes short video clips, graphics and a short quiz at the end of each section. You can pause, save, and come back later to the training at any time. There are additional sections for athletes, parents, coaches and grooms, which whilst specific to these communities can and should be completed by all. At the end of the course, participants should have a better understanding of the following:
