Equestrian Canada (EC) is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement to join Abuse-Free Sport, the new independent program to prevent and address maltreatment in sport.

Beginning on April 1, 2023, EC staff, board, committee members and its National Team Program (NTP) participants will have access to the services of the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), which serves as the central hub of Abuse-Free Sport. NTP participants include athletes, and members of the integrated support teams. EC has chosen to begin the transition to utilizing OSIC services with high-performance participants, for individuals who represent our country at the international level of equestrian sport. A transition period will continue to a second phase of all participants in 2024.

“Through sport research, we have learned that very few high-performance athletes that experience maltreatment – only about 15 percent, report their experiences,” explained EC CEO Meg Krueger. “It was therefore important for us to prioritize this group of participants through additional external support services as we transition our reporting processes to the OSIC.”