In response to a paper published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the Horses and Humans Research Foundation is seeking help to fund research into equine assisted therapy.

The following is an excerpt from a recent Horses and Humans Research Foundation newsletter:

The paper, titled Equine-related Treatments for Mental Disorders Lack Empirical Support: A Systematic Review of Empirical Investigations, concludes: “The current evidence base does not justify the marketing and utilization of ERT (EAP and THR) for mental disorders. Such services should not be offered to the public unless and until well – designed studies provide evidence that justify different conclusions”. The authors also recommend; “in view of the current evidence base, individuals in need of mental health services avoid seeking out ERT and treatment centers avoid practicing this approach. We further urge major organizations, such as the United States armed forces and United States department of Veterans Affairs, to hold off on the implementation of ERT (EAP and THR) programs on a wide scale basis unless and until a strong research foundation for this treatment emerges.”
