A 2021 study conducted by the Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) found the diverse mix of equine ownership and activities in our province had a significant financial impact on Alberta’s economy. In terms of gross domestic product, Alberta’s equine community contributed nearly $1.4 billion.
The study also found the equine community and equine industry had a notable impact on employment. After accounting for all horse keeping expenditures, the total number of jobs contributed by the equine industry came in at over 20,300 FTEs (full time equivalent).
When it came to total number of horses, donkeys and mules, the 2021 study showed Alberta was home to just over 142,000 equines kept on over 25,000 properties.
Other major findings from the report include:
- Direct expenditures in the equine community totaled over $1.7 billion. These expenditures result in a contribution of $855 million in labour income.
- Roughly 54 per cent of horses are used for recreation (backyard ownership, trail riding, summer camps, etc.), 40 per cent for sport (western, jumping, dressage, vaulting, etc.), and six per cent for work (outfitting, ranch work, guiding, etc.).
- When it comes to overall expenditures per horse (board, feed, health care, etc.), owners of horses for sport pay nearly twice as much (at approximately $12,700 per year) as those used for recreation (approximately $7,500), and over three times those used for work (approximately $3,700).
“The AEF has sought for years to better understand the province’s equine community and its contribution to the economy,” says Jason Edworthy, President-Elect for AEF. “These findings will be used to not only improve programming investments, but also set a benchmark to measure growth and future trends.”
“With this kind of information, AEF can continue to create opportunities for growth in our equine community, and to keep our community strong,” says Edworthy. “
For more information and to access the study, visit the website here.