An influential Saturday has Waylon Roberts and OKE Ruby R on top in the CCI4*-L and Karl Slezak and Hot Bobo leading the CCI4*-S.
A number of Canadians took part, with Lindsay Traisnel winning the Advanced and Waylon Roberts 2nd in the CCI3*-S.
Top Canadians in the $100,000 event were Waylon Roberts and OKE Ruby R (12th) and Colleen Loach riding Vermont (13th).
Waylon Roberts was the top Canadian in two divisions, placing 3rd in the 3* riding OKE Ruby R and 2nd in the 2* with Fernhill Salt Lake.
The BC native won the first round of the Canadian Show Jumping Championship; Waylon Roberts snags Indoor Eventing Challenge Rnd 1.
Elisabeth Halliday-Sharp and Fernhill By Night win the 4*, while Canadians Dana Cooke, Karl Slezak and Waylon Roberts have top-10 CCI results in Aiken, SC.
Victory in the exciting $50,000 MARS Eventing Showcase at PBIEC went to Marilyn Little and RF Scandalous, who led the event from wire-to-wire.
Colleen Loach moves up to 2nd in CCI3*-L After a nail-biting day of exciting cross-country action at The Dutta Corp. Fair Hill International Three-Day Event (FHI), a few new names grace the top of the leaderboards. The CCI4*-L division saw a major shuffle in the standings, after overnight leaders had trouble on Derek di Grazia’s […]
At the end of a busy day wrapping up the dressage phase of The Dutta Corp. Fair Hill International Three-Day (FHI), two new riders took over the top of the leaderboards. Mara DePuy and Congo Brazzaville Z moved into first in The Dutta Corp./USEF CCI4*-L Eventing National Championship with their 28.6, while Alexa Gartenberg and […]
Canadian eventer Waylon Roberts reunited with Lancaster for the Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event, whom he trained initially as a three-year-old.