Equestrian Canada

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Changes to Dressage Levy Program

Equestrian Canada (EC) is pleased to announce a redesign of the Dressage Levy Program for the 2017 competition season. The Program has undergone exciting changes to refocus on two areas that are critical to the success of dressage athletes and sport in Canada: Talent Identification In order to foster a strong community of up-and-coming dressage […]

Equestrian Canada CFO Lasts Six Months

Less than seven months after starting, Equestrian Canada’s Chief Financial Officer, Sandra Troster Diaz, has left EC under undisclosed circumstances.
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EC Votes in Support of Proposed Olympic & Paralympic Format Changes

Equestrian Canada (EC) voted in favour of proposed changes to the equestrian Olympic and Paralympic format for Tokyo 2020 during the FEI General Assembly, held Nov. 19-22, 2016 in Tokyo, JPN. The proposed changes were created by the FEI to address the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommendations within the Olympic Agenda 2020 – which call […]
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EC’s Emergency Planning and Action Plan

Equestrian Canada (EC) is pleased to announce that the Emergency Planning and Action Plan for competitions is now available to download from the EC website. The Plan, which is a guide for competition organizers, is an extremely valuable resource for first-time and veteran horse show managers alike. Covering topics like weather, communications, health and welfare […]