This past weekend was beautiful here. I woke up Saturday morning and opened my curtains to the sun shining and it stayed all weekend. Somehow whenever you wake up and you see the sun, it always gives you that extra bounce in your step and a smile across your face.
I went riding out in the woods for some relaxed riding time, not on Vitall, but on another horse. We did some galloping. I was with a friend and we were laughing like school girls on our ponies as we were breezing through the trees. I also rode Vitall. I took him out for a walk and light stretching. And, of course, he had his Sunday off. He always enjoys his Sunday off – his “me” time. Just like us, they need their “me” time.
I also did some spring cleaning. I organized my house so now it is clean, clean, clean I keep it really tidy, but I took the time to get into all the little nooks and crannies that we all skim over when we do our clean up days. I did the same at the stables, washing winter blankets and cleaning old tack that I have in storage, and all those little chores. After I was done with my “spring cleaning” it also gave me an extra bounce in my step because it had been on my mind for a while to get done, and I had finally accomplished it.
Personal training at the gym this week was challenging after taking some time off during the holidays. I noticed my body was not as quick to react or support me like it normally does. It was saying to me, “You want me to do what? And lift that?” But I managed through it and felt great. After I felt much more energized. Now my trainer is gone for 10 days, so I have to keep up the hard work myself and push myself that extra little bit, but I think I can do it.
For Christmas, my mom (aka Santa) got me a neat new gadget called a Bloggie by Sony. It is a small video camera that I can tuck it into my pocket and capture those moments when you say darn I wish I had my camera or video camera. So now I have it with me wherever I go so hopefully soon I can capture something interesting/ funny to share with you all. So stay tuned!!