Selena has returned from her Badminton debut with a personal best dressage score, high off her cross country round and lessons learned in stadium jumping.
Found 432 Results from Team O’Hanlon
Selena and Woody have finally arrived at Badminton, passed the jog, walked the course and are ready to ride their dressage test May 3rd.
Selena and Woody get some dressage practice in ahead of Badminton, and enjoy another nice hack with Mark Todd, plus Anne Marie has arrived!
Selena and Woody practice canter poles and a challenging triple combination with help from Mark Todd, then enjoys a visit with friends and family.
Selena is thrilled to be riding in the sun finally, enjoys spending time with Mark Todd’s youngster Fozzy and is excited to take a lesson with him on Woody.
Selena O’Hanlon and her partner Woody encounter something new at the Belton International Horse Trials during preparation for Badminton.
On Friday morning after barn chores Selena was asked to hack Rhapsody with Francesca on Mac, and away they went down the driveway.
Selena O’Hanlon is absolutely thrilled when Mark Todd asks her to help warm up and cool out a pair of his horses – Rhapsody and Leonidas.
Selena and Woody have arrived in England and are ready to take on Badminton at long last! In the meantime, they're catching up with old friends.
Selena and Woody are on the move again, with stops in Miami and Amsterdam where they each enjoyed the luxury of the Horse Hotel Holland.