…to share the exciting news that Canada has finished SECOND in the Furusiyya FEI Nations’ Cup final in Barcelona! Go Canada! Go Tiffany! Go Ben! Go Yann! And go Captain Lamazing! Zigali had me feeling the fear during his round because he had two rails in Thursday’s qualifying round, and his WEG performances were hardly […]
We’ve had a WOW so now it’s time for a BOW. While it was hard to pick a WOW out of the dense pile last week, my number one BOW is easy to identify: the horses of course! In some ways it’s a shame for some of the horses at WEG because so many of […]
That’s the acronym for my post-Normandy blog series, Best Of WEG, Worst Of WEG. One of the kinder things I’ve been called in this business of horse writing is a barking dog, so the name seems appropriate. And in keeping with the theory that bad experiences are more fun to read about than good ones, […]
Just a quick note to let you know I’m not done with WEG, but it will be a couple of days before I put my wrap up together and post it here. I’m working on a ‘highs and lows’ of Normandy 2014 – you can imagine which category is already bursting at the seams. Back […]
(sorry for the absence of pictorial accompaniment today, but the internet here is too slow to upload any photos) As the last of the Canadian team members – the jumpers and the vaulters – are winging their way homeward, it seems like an appropriate moment to reflect on Canada’s results here in Normandy. There was […]
I arrived today looking forward to watching our very last Canadian WEG team member at these 2014 World Equestrian Games compete in the individual jumping final. I was blissfully but briefly unaware that Yann had pulled out of today. He wasn’t alone. Also withdrawing today were a few of the rock stars that show jumping […]
Sorry folks, but if you are one of the people who posted comments yesterday who think I should put on rose tinted glasses, you aren’t going to get any joy from me today. I am not here to tell you something is good when it isn’t – whether it’s Canada’s results, a traffic jam, or […]
Yes, it really did get worse. And I know it’s not just me. The people around me in the media tribune are also wavering between boredom and disgust. A new low was achieved this afternoon when Chilean rider Tomas Couve Correa came off at fence eight, the unfortunately named PMU jump (I’m sure the French […]
The word ‘marathon’, used in relation to a WEG, usually refers to the marathon of the Four in hand Driving, or the incredible (and inhumane IMO) distance of the Endurance race. But today the marathon is at the show jumping, and the athletes are the spectators. There are 33 teams in the competition, for cripe’s […]
I’ve already gone on enough about the appalling lack of traffic planning at the Haras du Pin on Saturday, so now I will turn my attention to the actual sport, which was not Eventing’s finest hour. Because of the footing (which one FEI media representative assured me was ‘perfect’ when I had the audacity to […]